Thursday, 29 April 2010

Ah, Crap.

I'm Chris Morris, and this year I will not be voting for Nick Clegg, David Cameron, or Gordon Brown. I will be voting for the 4th candidate. His name is Chris Morris.

Okay, so I realise you can't actually "vote for" any of these candidates, but hey, it's still my joke of the ... blog! Y'know, in Scotland you CAN vote for the First Minister, I think this is a much better system.

Anyway, enough about politics, lets talk about Perth Colle ... Oh wait a minute, that's hardly changing subject now is it?

So I haven't blogged in a while, because I'm having an absolutely mental time with college. I still have a few thousand words to write for a final submission tomorrow. Pretty stressed out. I hurt my back yesterday (or the day before?) because I was slouching on my bed the whole day just writing, writing, writing. This isn't why I took up drumming!

Oh, and remember last week when I was up all night trying to get a first draft in to get marked? Ha.

I went to college on Monday to get the feedback, and the tutor was off sick, which means no feedback. Not sure whether to be annoyed at this or not, I mean I did Email the draft instead of putting in a hard copy. But hey, I'll just have to hand in the final version and hope for the best.

A thank you to all you loyal readers who filled out my survey by the way. I'm taking a break from writing a report for Music Promotion and Marketing (To write a blog!), and it's been very, very useful having the information from all of you that I needed. Thank you!

Okay, funny ... Funny ... Jokes. Nope, I don't have anything.

Okay, let's do Things That Are Wrong With The World again. Number two.



Disabled Parking Spaces!!!

Okay, so I know what you're thinking. This might not be "politically correct" what I'm about to say or anything, but hear me out.

What disabled person has the ability to drive a car, but doesn't have the ability to walk as far as everyone else? I mean, seriously, driving a car is a very physical activity. You don't just use your feet, you've also got to steer the wheel, change gears, shift your body around when parallell parking or reversing, and you also have to maintain your car.

Okay, get this. It used to be illigal for you not to have a spare tyre in your car. What disabled person can change a tyre, but can't walk ten more feet to the shops than usual??

And another thing!! Did you know, that a disabled badge owner is allowed to park on single yellow lines? That's what I got a ticket for!! If you're allowed to park there for being disabled, then surely it's okay to park there? Surely that means that the car that's parked there is doing no harm?

So why am I not allowed to park there???

Things that are wrong with the world #2 - "Disabled" drivers!!

They probably just have dyslexia or something...

Anyway, I need to get back to writing this report and dissertation, both of which are due in tomorrow. Agh.

Ada de vatchi or however you spell/say it in Italian.

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